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What is SecureBin?

SecureBin is a Google Chrome extension that allows you to securely interface with PasteBin. It encrypts plaintext for safe storage and sharing online.

How does it work?

SecureBin lets you encrypt text and store it on PasteBin. You get a link and a key for sharing, which the recipient uses for decryption.

What do I need to use SecureBin?

You need a PasteBin API key, which you add to SecureBin's settings. Then you can post encrypted messages to PasteBin.

Can I use SecureBin without encryption?

Sure, if you just want to use SecureBin as a PasteBin client, in version 1.1, there's a setting to turn off the encryption features.

What encryption does SecureBin use?

SecureBin uses the Forge Crypto Library and supports AES encryption in CBC, CTR, and GCM modes.

What are the supported key lengths?

Supported key lengths are 128, 192, 256 bits.

Is SecureBin secure if someone has access to my computer?

No, it doesn't protect against physical access to your computer. Data in the extension’s history or settings is stored unencrypted.

What information is public after encryption?

The cipher text, encryption mode, IV, tag (with GCM mode), salt, and key length (with password encryption) are public.

What remains private?

The encryption key is private.

How secure is JavaScript cryptography in browsers?

Opinions vary, but SecureBin ensures security by using open-source libraries to encrypt data locally, avoiding risks like man-in-the-middle attacks.

Where can I learn more about SecureBin and its development?

Check out our Wiki page to learn about our project, design decisions, and security details.

Learn more in the Wiki

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